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Our History

Our History

If we teach today’s students as we taught yesterday’s, we rob them of tomorrow.


Trinity School was founded in 2012 as a preschool, under the name Eco Kids, offering an early education program based on Developmentally Appropriate Practices. Our main objective since the begining was to offer a bilingual preschool education, with international standards, that is fun and supports the healthy and balanced development of each of our students.

In February 2015 we initiated the Trinity School project with the aim of expanding the educational offering up to 6th grade, following the same educational methodology throughout.

In August 2015 we bought the 8,000 m2 land in San Joaquín de Flores, Heredia, where we are currently reside. During 2016 and 2017 we designed and built our new state of the art schooling facilities, a building with all the comforts and optimal spaces to develop our educational offering.

In August 2017 we moved to the new facilities offering the complete program of preschool and primary education, from pre-maternal to 6th grade and we began the accreditation procedures with the MEP. In 2018 we obtained the accreditation of the Ministry of Education of Costa Rica for all levels. In 2019 we joined the Association of Private Centers of Costa Rica (ACEP).

En el 2022 asumimos con éxito el reto de regresar a clases presenciales, logrando darle seguimiento a la oferta académica en todos los niveles bajo nuestro programa de educación progresista.


In Trinity School we are known for providing personalized attention in small groups, with an educational program based on developmentally appropriate practices. This program revolves around the needs and interests of the students, and in this way we manage to preserve and foster their passion for learning.



We were founded to offer a progressive educational program, in which our students can develop their capacities, competencies and abilities to the maximum.


To be an educational institution recognized for its high quality, 100% bilingual, with happy and prepared students to be able to face the challenges of the future in a productive and innovative way.


Our Philosphy

Our comprehensive and progressive education offer is nurtured by two philosophical visions: humanism and constructivism. According to the humanist paradigm, each student is a unique and valuable individual; with needs to grow and learn in an integral way. The objective of Trinity is to develop in each student their maximum potential and abilities so that they can be free, autonomous and respectful.

From the constructivist paradigm, it is recognized that human beings are endowed with the ability to build and objectively capture their environment and also continuously improve, thus making the progress and well-being of society possible. This is a belief we have at Trinity, we facilitate an environment in which learning occurs through our three pillars: Knowing, Doing and Being.


Excellence: we all strive to give 100% and find the best way of doing things.

Respect: enjoy my freedom, respecting myself, respecting others and the environment

Responsibility: commitment of all to act correctly and assume the consequences of our actions

Love: love motivates us to act with appreciation towards ourselves, to transcend the differences that we may have with others and to do our work with love and joy

Peace: promote among all a world in which we have a healthy coexistence, putting into practice all values

Integrity: be consistent between what I say and do, being faithful to our principles and values, with integrity and honesty

Team Work: the Trinity community consists of parents, students and staff, making a great team that works together to achieve common goals

Contact Us

About Us


San Joaquín de Flores, Heredia. Costa Rica.




Monday to Friday 7:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m.

We are a private school located in San Joaquín, Heredia. At Trinity School we offer a progressive style of education that has a project-based learning approach with highly trained teachers. The school offers new facilities, large classrooms that meet international standards of space per student, green play areas, internal play space, small class sizes and healthy snacks.

Todos los derechos reservados © 2019-2022 Trinity School®

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